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Fried meat and honey box \ بوكس مقلاي لحم و عسل

Regular price 7.900 OMR
Sale price 7.900 OMR Regular price 9.000 OMR
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Use a soft damp cloth and a drop of mild soap to remove any haze. Air dry.

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Fried meat and honey box \ بوكس مقلاي لحم و عسل

Regular price 7.900 OMR
Sale price 7.900 OMR Regular price 9.000 OMR
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We ship all Oman orders within 5-12 business days!

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Use a soft damp cloth and a drop of mild soap to remove any haze. Air dry.

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Fried meat and honey box \ بوكس مقلاي لحم و عسل

Regular price 7.900 OMR
Sale price 7.900 OMR Regular price 9.000 OMR
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Shipping & Returns

Free shipping and returns available on selected orders!
We ship all Oman orders within 5-12 business days!

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Use a soft damp cloth and a drop of mild soap to remove any haze. Air dry.

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Fried meat and honey box \ بوكس مقلاي لحم و عسل

Regular price 7.900 OMR
Sale price 7.900 OMR Regular price 9.000 OMR
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Shipping & Returns

Free shipping and returns available on selected orders!
We ship all Oman orders within 5-12 business days!

Care Instructions

Use a soft damp cloth and a drop of mild soap to remove any haze. Air dry.

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Your Data security & privacy is our priority. Pay securely through 128 bit encrypted payment gateway. We support credit cards, net banking and debits cards.

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Fried meat and honey box \ بوكس مقلاي لحم و عسل

Regular price 7.900 OMR
Sale price 7.900 OMR Regular price 9.000 OMR
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Shipping & Returns

Free shipping and returns available on selected orders!
We ship all Oman orders within 5-12 business days!

Care Instructions

Use a soft damp cloth and a drop of mild soap to remove any haze. Air dry.

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Your Data security & privacy is our priority. Pay securely through 128 bit encrypted payment gateway. We support credit cards, net banking and debits cards.

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1 of 8

Fried meat and honey box \ بوكس مقلاي لحم و عسل

Regular price 7.900 OMR
Sale price 7.900 OMR Regular price 9.000 OMR
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In Stock

Shipping & Returns

Free shipping and returns available on selected orders!
We ship all Oman orders within 5-12 business days!

Care Instructions

Use a soft damp cloth and a drop of mild soap to remove any haze. Air dry.

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Secure Payments

Your Data security & privacy is our priority. Pay securely through 128 bit encrypted payment gateway. We support credit cards, net banking and debits cards.

عنوان البوكس: بوكس الإفطار المخصص للشركات والوزارات والمدارس

الكمية تكفي ل 6 اشخاص 

وصف المنتج:

استمتع بتجربة إفطار مميزة مع بوكس الإفطار المخصص لدينا، المصمم خصيصًا لتلبية احتياجات الشركات والوزارات والمدارس. يحتوي هذا البوكس على ٤ وجبات رئيسية لذيذة، تشمل:

  1. مقلاي لحم وعسل: لحم مشوي مغطى بالعسل.

  2. لوبيا باللحم: لوبيا مطهية مع قطع لحم.

  3. بيض شكشوكة بالطريقة الأوروبية: بيض مخفوق مطهو مع طماطم وتوابل خفيفة.

  4. حمص باللحم: حمص مطحون مع قطع لحم مفرومة محمرة.

1. سلطة خضرا: مزيج من الخضروات الطازجة مثل الخيار، الطماطم، الخس، والبقدونس، مع زيت زيتون وعصير ليمون.

2. متبل الباذنجان: باذنجان مشوي مهروس ممزوج بلبن زبادي، طحينة، ثوم، وعصير ليمون.

كما يتضمن البوكس خبز عربي محلي طازج، ليكمل تجربة الإفطار.

معلومات الطلب:
يرجى تقديم الطلب قبل يوم من موعد الإفطار، حيث سيتواصل معك مركز الاتصال لدينا لتحديد توقيت الاستلام المناسب لك.

ميزة الشراء الجماعي:
احصل على مزايا الشراء الجماعي، حيث يمكنك طلب عدة بوكسات للحصول على خدمة التوصيل المجاني لموقعك.

اجعل إفطارك مميزًا مع بوكس الإفطار المخصص لدينا!

Box Title: Breakfast Box for Companies, Ministries and Schools
Quantity is enough for 6 people

Product Description
Enjoy a unique breakfast experience with our breakfast box, specially designed to meet the needs of companies, ministries and schools.

This box contains 4 delicious main meals, including:
Meat and Honey Pans: Grilled meat covered in honey.
Lubia with Meat: Cooked beans with pieces of meat.
European Shakshouka Eggs: Scrambled eggs cooked with tomatoes and light spices
Hummus with Meat: Ground chickpeas with roasted minced meat pieces

1. Green Salad: A mix of fresh vegetables such as cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, and parsley, with olive oil and lemon juice.
2. Eggplant Mutabbal: Mashed grilled eggplant mixed with yogurt, tahini, garlic, and lemon juice. The box also includes fresh local Arabic bread, to complete the breakfast experience.

Order Information
Please place your order one day before your Iftar time, and our call center will contact you to schedule a convenient pickup time for you.

Bulk Purchase Feature: Get the benefits of bulk purchase, where you can order multiple boxes to get free delivery to your location.

Make your Iftar special with our customized Iftar Box!

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